Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Shattering My Perfect World

Pictured above: A Google Image Search Result for "My Perfect World"
"In a perfect world, I would be 6'3" and have a perfect head of hair and look like Orlando Bloom."-Moby

What Would Be My Perfect World?

In my perfect world, I would be able to afford a nice apartment. In that apartment, I would make sure to have a comfy recliner and a fold-out couch. My walls would be decorated with Catholic artwork or depictions of saints. I would have a bookshelf full of manly novels and I would relax by sitting in my recliner and burning the same kind of incense that is used at church. I would have a big Great Dane dog that would be the most well-trained and well-behaved dog ever.

In my perfect world, I would be able to work a few jobs at the same time without having to worry about my time commitment or money. I would be a musician in a well-known rock band where I would play guitar, saxophone, keyboard, banjo, and drums, and I would sing as well. When not touring with the band, I would be working at my Man Store, which would consist of a bar with good craft beer, a lounge to drink and hang out in, a bookstore full of manly reading material, a store for man cave furniture and decor as well as classic shaving razors and kits. When not doing music or working at the Man Store, I would direct and produce high quality theatrical productions with my own Catholic-based theatre company. My theatre company would not only perform interpretations of famous plays by writers like Shakespeare, but also develop our own scripts that focus on the Catholic Church's teachings and practices.

In my perfect world, I would soon be married. My wife would be a strong Catholic woman who is funny, has a gorgeous singing voice, challenges me to grow closer to God, and is breathtakingly beautiful. We would quickly move, with the Great Dane, to a rustic yet modern cabin in the Smoky Mountains where I could still work as a musician, a director of a Catholic theatre company, and a proprietor of the new Man Store in the mountains. My wife and I would go out hiking, canoeing, rafting, horseback riding, and hang-gliding as often as we would like. Not to mention we could do some pretty awesome parkour tricks and rock climbs in the mountains.

In my perfect world, there would not be people in poverty. Everybody could afford clean water, good housing, plenty of food, quality clothes, and a high-functioning vehicle to travel in. There would not be any violence. All of the governments would do what is best for the people. Everybody would have a relationship with God. All of the major celebrities and actors would create Catholic media, be seen walking out of Sunday Mass, and living a lifestyle that Jesus Christ calls us to live. There would not be any alcoholics, drug addicts, rapists, child molesters, terrorists, or any other form of violent or abusive person because everyone would avoid those destructive behaviors.

Shattered By Reality

As we all know, our dreams and aspirations for our lives in this world do not always match the truth of reality. My idea of a perfect world may seem like the ideal world to me, but it may not be the perfect world for someone else and it may not be what God has planned for my life. Not only that, but reality is harsh sometimes, because we live in a screwed up, faulty, human world.

Here's the thing. God created us so that we may have an all-loving, perfect relationship with Him. He created us to be close to Him so that we may go forth and share His love and mercy with all people. The problem is sin screws things up. The story of Adam and Eve shows us that when we make selfish and stupid decisions that deny God's will, then conflict and turmoil enters our lives and breaks our relationship with God. Sin keeps us from reaching the perfect world ideal because it pulls us away from God.

I believe that we have dreams and aspirations because God innately gives us clues to what He wants us to desire and be passionate about. My dreams for a perfect world and a perfect life come from a good desire. I want all people to be provided and cared for, for peace and love to reign especially in war-torn areas, and I want the true beauty of the Catholic Church to shine in pop culture and the media. I want a life that promotes a healthy, masculine lifestyle where I have jobs that I am passionate about and I establish strong relationships based on my Catholic faith.

Yet I know that my perfect world may not come to fruition. There are so many people in this world with different intentions and even I myself have faults that may not help this perfect world come into being. I can be lazy, tired, rude, selfish, lack certain skills, and any other number of faulty things. It is important, however, to have a goal, an idea, to work towards and recognize the obstacles that may get in the way of that goal.

My Hopes for a Perfect Real World

My hope is that I am able to get a bachlor-pad apartment with the works (i.e. all the stuff I described earlier), but if not I will still somewhere with less (or different) stuff. My hope is that I am able to afford being able to take care of a big dog like a Great Dane, but if not then at least I won't have to worry about taking care of a pet.

My hope is that I find the career or job that God is calling me to so I can be happy and passionate about it. My hope is that I find a wife and I know God will help me realize which woman He wants me to marry. My hope is to make a life in the Smoky Mountains, but God will help me settle in the place that He wants me to.

I hope that all people are brought out of poverty and that all war and violence comes to an end and that guys like Mark Wahlberg will create good Catholic movies and that anybody struggling with addictions or abuse is able to overcome that. I know that while it may not happen in my lifetime, I can still pray for it and take action to help those in need. God will take care of the rest.

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