Friday, February 7, 2014

Prologue: Setting the Scene

Hello one and all. So, I have started a blog, how about that? You may be asking:

Why has he chosen to write a blog? Good question. Well, after seeing many of my friends starting their own blogs and having been inspired by other blog sites, I figured it was about time to start one too. I enjoy writing recreationally and I have a multitude of thoughts swirling around my head. I am a bit of a contemplative man and enjoy digging deeper into random ideas in my head and getting that thought onto paper (or computer document as the case may be).

What is he going to write about? I think I will be writing about a variety of ideas rather than setting on one particular theme or rather than just journaling about what is going on in life (though that may pop up from time to time). To narrow the focus, most of what I will be writing about will concern masculinity and Catholicism. My faith is an intricate part of my life as I tackle this journey to becoming living an authentic life as a man. However, look for other interesting topics to appear.

So today's post is just to set up the idea of this blog and to give you some expectation on what you may find in my future posts. This blog is gonna be kinda goofy and weird (cause that's just how I am) and since I've never blogged before, it may take me a bit to get used to writing in a blog format. Below is a miscellaneous assortment of things to introduce myself.

Meaning of Blog Title: I combined two quotes from Professor J.R.R. Tolkien: 'Not all those who wander are not lost' and 'If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world'. I wanted to take inspiration from a Catholic writer and have been recently fascinated by Tolkien. I only just read the Lord of the Rings series this past fall.

Meaning of Blog Address: This is a Latin verse sung in Kenneth Branagh's film Henry V after the Battle of Agincourt. The phrase, translated in English (which I found online so hopefully it's accurate), means 'Not to us O Lord but to Your Name give Glory'. Henry V is one of my favorite movies because of the King's character, his search for redemption, and his constant glorification of God. He takes none of the credit of victory for himself but always gives it to God.

My connection to John Goodman: John Goodman was raised in Affton, MO, a suburb of St. Louis and not too far from St. Charles, MO where I grew up. Also, John Goodman graduated from the theatre department at Missouri State University (back when it was Southwest Missouri State). I too graduate from the theatre department at MSU.

The First 5 Saints I Would Like to Meet in Heaven: St. Charles Borromeo, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, St. Padre Pio, St. Anthony Claret, and St. John Vianney. (feel free to ask me why for any or all of these choices)

Blog Sites That Inspire Me: Besides many of my friend's blogs, I am especially inspired by the Art of Manliness, The Catholic Gentleman, and The Catholic Dormitory.

My Top 5 Disney Movies (in no particular order): Robin Hood, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Sword in the Stone, The Adventures of Ichabod & Mr. Toad, and Fantasia (I know, it's a weird list, isn't it?)

If I Opened a store called The Man Cave: I cannot decide whether it would be a book store with a Man Cave atmosphere or if it would be a furniture store for guys to put together their own personal Man Cave at home while I maintain a personal collection of books behind the counter that I'd recommend to men. Either way, I would set up a meeting space in the store where men can gather together to lounge about and talk about life.

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