Friday, April 11, 2014

Seasons & Joy

Back in March, right as spring weather arrived in Yakima, my team decided to go to Daily Mass at the Holy Family Parish. We had only been to this parish a few times before, but there was something different about this particular day. The chapel had a different feel to it than before.

And it wasn't just because the kneelers were extra cushiony that day.
This particular chapel has a very earthy tone to it. The wall behind the altar and the whole floor is made of large flat stones, the ceiling and support beams are made of strong wood, and the stained glass walls contain panels of various solid colors. The sun was shining very brightly through these different colors and I remember that this was one of the warmest days I had experienced in Yakima thus far.

For whatever reason on this day, I felt like I was in a small, rural, countryside church somewhere in the south. I imagined that this would be the kind of church I would find in Tennessee, hidden away in the Smoky Mountains. Even the priest had a southern look to him with his full goatee and his slicked-back hair that goes to his shoulders. I don't know why he reminds me of southern man, but he just does.

The team refers to him as Father Scar (except he's a good guy)
There was something about feeling like I was in Tennessee that brought me great joy that day. Now, I have never attended Mass in Tennessee, or anywhere in the south for that matter. I may have stepped into one or two of the old churches down there, but I don't really know what it was like for the pioneers and frontiersman of the time to go to church on a regular basis down there. Yet, for whatever reason, I felt like I was back in the Smoky Mountains and I was joyful.

A lot of that joy had to do with the season. It was a beautiful sunny day outside, the kind of day where I couldn't really feel the temperature, meaning it wasn't too warm and it wasn't too cool outside. It was the kind of weather I associate with the Smoky Mountains in late May or early June, the time of year my family would often go out there for a summer trip (man, I guess I really miss those mountains or something). My joy that day was associated with the feeling of the season.

How can I not be joyful when I think of being here?
I think a lot of us find joy in the spring time. I think my friends and family from Helena to St. Louis and beyond can definitely find a lot of joy in the spring time after this past winter. The warming of temperatures, the lack of jackets, the sun, the ability to wear shorts again! There is just something about the dawning of the season that brings me extra joy. 

I also find joy in the early part of the autumn season. I came to this realization last year on a drive down Highway 44 in Missouri. I was wearing long sleeve shirt and khakis, which made me feel warm enough outside, but I needed to put on AC to keep myself cool in the car (I think that is the perfect balance for me). As I was driving down the highway, I was seeing various colors along the side of the road. The trees were different shades of gold, red, green, orange, and brown. Dry, dead leaves would be tossed around by the wind. I was reminded of my childhood days of playing soccer in the fall, which were some of the best times for me growing up.

What my Saturdays looked like for about a decade
Autumn also brings relief from intense weather. It feels nice to have that cool down period after a hot and humid summer. I guess I'm the kind of guy that doesn't really like being overheated and I don't like freezing either. I like the perfect medium, those days when it's 65 or 70 degrees outside with a gentle breeze. So whenever spring or autumn first arrive, it feels like there's a weight lifted off my shoulders and I get excited.

I think it's good to recognize those moments when weather brings us joy. Some people enjoy walking in the rain or sitting on the porch watching a thunderstorm approach. Some people enjoy basking in the sun on a bright, dry day or taking a walk on a cool summer evening. I like to tell people that one of the beautiful things about living in Missouri is that I am able to get the full effect of each season. Sure, there are negatives to each season, but there is also beautiful positives. Summer may be intensely hot, but at least I enjoy the sun more and go outside more often. Winter may be cold or make travel difficult, but the snow is beautiful and adds to the atmosphere of times like Christmas and New Years.

I like the nostalgia I feel whenever spring and autumn arrive. I enjoy the colors I see and the smells in the air. That joy that I feel in these seasons also helps me feel joy in other moments of my life, like the way I interact with my family, my friends, peers, and strangers. I think one other beautiful thing about the season of spring is that the change in the weather and my attitude reflects that change from the Lenten season to Easter. Lent is a somber time as the Church reflects on Jesus Christ's Passion and Crucifixion just as the winter time is a little somber and dreary. However, Easter is a time of great joy and praise because Jesus rose from the dead just as I feel more joy when the trees come alive and the weather becomes brighter and more glorious.

So, I think I would like to end this post with some audience participation. I want to hear from all of you reading this post. Please leave a comment below with an answer to the following question:

What is YOUR favorite season and why?

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