Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Counting Our Blessings

I think it's kind of difficult to get up on Mondays and Tuesdays and be a bright beacon of positivity to people. Maybe it's because I'm a big fan of the weekend and I realize that it's several more days until the weekend is back. Maybe it's because I suddenly put together a long To-Do list for the week and get bogged down in projects or things I may not necessarily want to do. Whatever the case, the start of the week is just not necessarily my favorite day of the week.

However, in those times when I might not be a happy-go-lucky goofy ball, I try to remind myself of the blessings in my life. I try to remember all of the gifts that I have been given, big or small. I do this to find joy in the little things. I'm surrounded by blessings and I know so many of you are to.

So today, I just wanted to put together a list of blessings that I think are blessings that many people have and also things that many people take for granted.

1) My Relationship with God

I think we often overlook our relationship with God because we find it difficult to make time to be with Him. However, He is always with us through good times as well as those times of struggle and difficulty. He is always there to guide us to becoming the best versions of ourselves and fulfill His will for our lives. It's up to us to be aware of the relationship and to make time to be with Him through prayer and Mass and the Sacraments.

This year, I have really had to build my trust and faith in God and His plan for my life. However, I have spent so much more time with Him in Mass, prayer, and the Sacraments than I have ever before. It has helped me to grow closer to Him and remember that I am created by Him. When I remember that God has a divine purpose for me and knows what's best for me (just as most fathers know what their son's needs are and gives them advice), I realize that I just need to chill and trust without worry.

2) Family

Whether we get along splendidly with our families or if it's just a constant struggle to be around them, family is an important part of our lives. Our parents help guide and support us as best as they can and we in turn have to learn from them. Our siblings help us learn how to interact with people and how to overcome struggles in our relationships. Ultimately, family shows us how to be loved and how to best love others.

I have been extremely blessed by the family that I have. My parents may be far away, yet they still give me support in various ways from gifts in the mail to advice on life issues. My brother and I have learned how to get along better over the years and I really enjoy getting to spend time with him. Plus, I have so many relatives back home, aunts and uncles, grandmother, cousins, my godson. I have received a ton of support from these people and I look forward to reuniting with them all when I return home.

3) Friends

We may not take friendships for granted as often as our other relationships, but nonetheless I do not think we always realize how powerful these friendships are. We may let disputes or distance create a rift between us. We may especially take for granted our ability to spend time and communicate with our friends and suddenly realize that in the past few months we have not maintained friendships in the way we would like to.

I have so many good friends back home in Missouri. Some friendships have existed since high school, some since the last few months of college. A major reason why I have been able to work with Reach Youth Ministry is because of the support of my friends (especially their prayers and kind words). I have been blessed with the ability to maintain communication with these people that I am far away from. I am looking forward to being back home to where I can reunite with some old friends and take trips to see friends who do not live close to me.

4) Food and Water

Because of how easily we have access to good food and clean water, it's really easy to take these things for granted. There are so many people in this world who do not have an ability to buy enough food to eat and do not have clean running water around them. When we do not see these people suffering from starvation and thirst, it's easy to forget just how easy some of us have it.

I know I take food for granted, especially when it is food that I may not necessarily enjoy eating or when I voluntarily skip a meal because I do not see food that is appetizing to me. I know I take water for granted, because I can easily waste it or I avoid drinking it because I like the taste of soda better. I'm very glad I have options to choose from and hope that I can do something to aid those who are less fortunate.

5) Clothing and Shoes

Again, because of the easy access to these things, we take them for granted. Often we just have to worry about whether our clothes match or what label we're wearing. There are some people who do not have enough clothes to keep warm from the cold or to change out of when they get too sweaty or dirty. There are also people who do not have good shoes to protect their feet.

I am very fortunate to have enough clothes (even with a limited wardrobe and budget) to keep warm when it's cold or stay cool when it's hot. In fact, I have so many clothes that I can donate some of them to nearby thrift shops for those who need clothing at a low cost. Also, I'm very grateful to have shoes, especially when I go out into nature and trek over rocky and rough terrain.

6) A Functioning Vehicle

We wouldn't really be able to travel as far or as easily if we did not have a vehicle to drive. Often people are so focused on the latest sports cars or the need to make their cars as immaculately spotless as possible that they do not just enjoy the fact that their vehicle is functioning and can take them from Point A to Point B.

On Reach, we may not have the newest vehicles or the least problematic vehicles, but at least we have a van that takes us to so many different places that are far away. At least we have something that cuts down on travel time and allows us to pack in multiple people and all of our luggage. Ever since I got my license at 16, I've had a vehicle to drive which has allowed me to help others travel as well as provide me with so many journies.

These are just six categories that I think affect majority of our lives and yet are easy for us to ignore. I know there are many many other unique blessings in our lives, whether it's the sunshine or it's the ability to go to school or whatever is personal to you. Please take some time in these next days, whether they're days of joy or sorrow, and count all of the simple things that you have that you may take for granted. I know it brings joy to my life whenever I do this.

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